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Mont Saint-Michel, The Isle from a fairy tale

Mont Saint-Michel emerges from the tides in Normandy, like an ancient village from a fairy tale. Between two swift tides lies a coastal town pushed next to our Gothic Abbey. The town made of massive granite rock cuts dramatic silhouettes against the pastel sky, rising from disappearing marshes this benevolent castle costal at one moment and a secluded island at another packed with splendor and magic either way.  Standing strong and high between the two tides of Normandy and Brittany  Mont Saint-Michel emerges from a large granite rock chiseled away by time and tides. Mont Saint-Michel is named after and dedicated to the archangel Saint Micheal. This mystic castle/village is more than just a church on a rock it is also a hot tourist attraction, attracting more than 4 million visitors every year. It is also a medieval time capsule that shows us the glory and splendor of the medieval gothic-styled churches. Mont Saint-Michel houses around 50 people all of which are descendants of...

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