Schrödinger's cat - Can we be dead and alive at the same time ?
In 1935 when the world was embarking on a journey of Science the world was making new discoveries. From Albert Einstien to James Chadwick everyone was discovering something. But one of the most famous thought experiments was devised in 1935 one that would change the field of quantum physics forever. It was about a cat. The thought experiment involved the should of being dead and alive at the same time. But how? You may ask dear reader well I'll tell you. Imagine a cat that has been placed in an airtight concrete box. The box has a door that allows that cat to enter and exit when you open it. Attached to the box is a device that would exempt a lethal gas that would kill the cat. The device would start when a button is pressed on the box but there is a catch, The button will only give the signal to the device 50 % of the time. This means if you press the button twice there is a guarantee that the cat is dead. But if the button is only pressed once then the mortality of the cat depends on the state of the box. This means if the button is pressed once and the box is kept closed the state of the cat remains dead and alive until the box has been opened. This thought experiment became so disturbing that it created Erwin Schrödinger who had to abandon his theory. But this later was revealed to be one of the most important discovery in field of quantum physics. Well we can put that in the box and test it out for ourselves.
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