A Neutron Star : Violent But Beautiful Stars

A neutron star is one of the most extreme and violent things in the universe. They are the densest stars in the universe excluding black holes and hypothetical white holes. They are created when a star dies.
How does a star die?
A star is made by the balance of mixing Hydrogen into Helium ( H → He ). A star will constantly mix and fuse molecules and atoms of Hydrogen into Helium. Eventually the star can not handle all of the pressure from the outside space. It is basically like doing work outside while it is rain. eventually, the star will run out of fuel to provide the light energy and implode on itself creating a massive supernova.
How is a Neutron star made?
A neutron star is made when a massive star a billion times greater than the sun implode. this creates a ball of matter so dense that it releases Light energy and radio waves.

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Image credits-Google.com
